Contemporary art is trendy and is becoming an increasingly safe haven for funds..

The fears that there are on the market, offer investors a new perspective on their own money. Stocks are too volatile, commodities are trying to copy their development at any price, government bonds have begun to be divided into toxic and slightly more secure. Everyone wants to reasonably protect their deposited money from political and market lures.
Alternative investments are more and more coming to the fore, which is also reflected on the present market development. Paintings by contemporary artists are valued at new highs. This is clear evidence that contemporary art is increasingly becoming a safe haven for affluent investors.

The widespread belief in society claims that the best replacement for low-interest deposits can be found in works of art. The revenue from the increase in their prices would significantly exceed the interest in the bank, moreover it can be obtained anonymously. Unlike your own money in the bank (which you cannot see), a work of art can be looked at at home any time and so you develop your fantasy, imagination, dreams.

The price of a work of art might be multiplied in a short time. A good example is the statement of a German collector of Šulek´s paintings: “Nine years ago I got five of his smaller paintings, and nowadays other collectors offer me tens of thousands of euros for just one of them.”
“Artist Jaro Šulek creates an original and unrepeatable artistic statement. Just this ability already ranks him among personalities of the world art scene. His works of art have a large potential to rise in the near future, like it happens nowadays in case of famous English and American artists.”
(An art critic statement – awarded a diploma from the Ecole Louvre, Paris).

Art lectures

Due to a great interest of Chinese private galleries and museums of modern art, master Šulek attended several artistic presentations. In addition to clients of galleries and museums he also lectured for private clients of Chinese banks. During the lectures, these art lovers were interested in his work, artistic life, imagination, life in China… Due to his humane approach, he won hearts of most of them, which was proven by the final applause at the end of the lectures. Because of the increasing interest in master Šulek, lectures have been agreed also for the next years in cities such as Shanghai, Nanking, Shenzhen, Fujian, Xiamen…